We stand nowhere without stats because we would not have made any progress without stats. And we always think that who give the stats manufacture the data. That is super long process and that we can leave for another topic and discussion.
And here, we will talk about the latest stats of digital marketing which are provided to us by the best and most famous digital marketing companies. This post is best for those people who are making their career in digital marketing keep reading to know more;
- People mostly work on the home page of the website because it is the first impression and they work on the rest of the site years later and this stat was done by HubSpot in 2020.
- If the website does not open in the first three seconds then the clients move to another site and there you have a big bounce rate and this stat was done by Portent in 2019.
- There are different kinds of digital marketing and there are many of us who know about SEO. For those who don’t know we would like to tell you that it means Search Engine Optimization. And this will make your site go on the top of the search engines. And there is a type called PPC which called the pay per click and you must know that the world prefers SEO over PPC.
- It is high time that you open an online business because a stat given by the Shopify Plus 2019 that in 2021, there will be 4.5 trillion sales combined of all the online sales.
- No matter how much Amazon, Ali express, shopify and different famous shopping website exist, you will be shocked to know that 52 percent of the people use directly google for search for the thing that is required and this stat was done by Think with Google in 2019.
- Again another stat from think with google said that 60 percent of the people see the reviews of business on social media platforms.
- And at least 900 percent of increment has been seen on mobile searches and this stats was again done by Think with Google.
- Only 40 percent of the people use websites to see the whole deal.
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