Many women avoid visiting gynecologists to get pelvic exams as they feel shy and uncomfortable. However, it is important to visit your gynecologist as it improves your reproductive system and overall health. Your gynecologist may also help you with sexual or internal issues. Regularly seeing your OB/GYN keeps you aware of your fertility and general health. If you are internally fit and fertile, then there is no need to visit an infertility clinic in Dubai.

This blog will sum up the important reasons to visit a gynecologist regularly.

They give the answer to sexual health questions:

If you are getting married soon, it is essential to have sexual knowledge as it may help after the marriage. Gynecologists are capable to answer of your all questions about sex. They may know about sex and pregnancy complications. So, there is no need to shy, uncomfortable, or hesitant to write all questions in a notebook and ask them at your first meeting.

They may help you if you are troubling to conceive:

One of the biggest reasons to visit your gynecologist is having trouble conceiving. Many couples who are trying to get pregnant for at least six to 12 months should see OB/GYN. The gynecologist will take your pelvic exam to determine the reasons for delaying pregnancy or any other tenderness and complications. They may ask for particular tests such as sperm count for men, ovulation test for women, semen analysis for men and women.

They can screen osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is a severe disease that weaker and brittle your bones. Mostly, women are affected by this problem, which also creates problems during pregnancy. Fertility professionals have reliable sources to screen osteoporosis within 10 to 30 minutes and then recommend medicines and further treatments. Bone density occurs at age 60, but over time this is developing in adults and children too.

They can screen for other diseases:

Do you know fertility doctors can also perform other treatments? Yes! Fertility doctors have suitable tools and machines to perform certain treatments for both men & women, such as screening of blood pressure, diabetes, and stretch mark removal in Dubai.

You learn breast self-exam techniques:

Regular visiting your fertility doctor can be beneficial for you. They make you learn self-exam techniques, which keep you aware of breast cancer.